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Bringing Out the Best
Take a peek into the FamousDC offices and enjoy this time lapse of designers, Cody Simmons and Drew Ellis outfitting our chalkboard wall with some custom graphics. FamousDC – Bringing Out the Best For more of where this came from, follow us on Instagram. A video posted by FamousDC (@famous_dc) on Mar …
Texas Website Loves Romney So Much, They Stole His Website
The new Saddle Up Texas Straw Poll website is looking really simliar to a certain presidential candidate’s website. [Good artists copy, great artists steal] We love the fact that they didn’t even bother to change the icons.
House Republican Conference Relaunches
Move over, you’ve got some pretty stiff [and good looking] competition. Early this morning, the House Republican Conference relaunched their website., which is the online communications platform for House Republicans, boasts a fresh new look as well as some slick new features. Our favorite new feature has to …
FAA Approves New Airplane Seat That Well-Fed People Won’t Enjoy
A new airplane seat might have those customers that bring on double cheeseburgers second-guessing their decision. [sky-rider] A space-saving airline seat resembling a saddle went on display Tuesday at the Aircraft Interiors Expo Americas in Long Beach, California. Yes, a saddle… picture below. The SkyRider seat, developed by Italian firm …