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dems in philly

Let’s take it back to when the first round of the Clinton’s campaign for the White House officially began. At the 1992 Democratic Convention, Bill Clinton accepted his presidential nomination for the democratic party, just as Hillary will tonight. So how much has really changed in the past 24 years? …

Have you been following the 2016 Presidential election for so long that now everything on TV is starting to resemble famous politicians? Don’t worry you’re not going crazy, or at least we hope not, because we see the similarities too. Who knew politicians had so much time on their hands to not only …

Last night at the Democratic National Convention, boos and heckles filled the arena. Disgruntled Bernie supporters shouted over Al Franken, Cory Booker, Elizabeth Warren, and even Sanders himself. The jeering made it difficult to listen to what anyone had to say, and also made the arena a negative, stifling place. …