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Is there anything more brutal than a 7am AirTran flight after the Google party?, we’re trading all of our Tuesday & Wednesday night party tickets for anything popping in Charlotte, CCHS > PHS, can Congress pass a resolution to keep Strasburg pitching?, welcome back to our dear old friend, football, Clint Eastwood proved having invisible friends is still cool, Ted Prill went hog hunting, Jackie K. boarded the new Romney plane, the Bochners leave for their honeymoon today, Republicans love stickers!!!!!111, Katie Harbath & Adam Sharp kicked it with @GOPWhip, some cookin’ for the weekend, Cooley says goodbye, Bitches Who Brunch have exciting news, Tampa didn’t have a hologram, Charlotte here we come, Bob Pickard, Julia Garofalo & Sen. Tony Strickland are following us on Twitter, and here’s where you can kick it this weekend.