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Famous 5: Alex Becker, DC Dream App Winner

Meet Alex Becker, winner of our DC Dream App contest and Huffington Post intern.

We were just as shocked as any to find out Alex was an intern when he won the contest with his DC Intern Fashion Fail Detector app. Born in Washington DC, Alex has always been involved in politics and is the former publisher of politics, political media and foreign policy blog Roosevelt Island. Alex is headed to Dartmouth College in the Fall.

We caught up with Alex at the FamousDC Celebrity Beltway Happy Hour.

1. You write for Huffington Post, a leading online news source, yet you don’t have a Twitter account. Do you think this “internet thing” is just a fad?

Truthfully I just haven’t had a chance to set one up, so I’ve been making up for it by yelling whatever seems newsworthy at various points throughout the day. Ex. “NORQUIST PANS ‘TAX HIKES’

2. As someone who works alongside Ryan Grim, are there any embarrassing stories that you would like to share with us?

“Some say Ryan Grim once had an awkward moment…just to see how it feels.”

-Ryan Grim

3. How has your life changed since winning the FamousDC App contest?

I’m pretty sure Michaele Salahi asked for my thoughts on the debt ceiling and the finer points of the Boehner plan at the FamousDC Happy Hour last night, hard to hear though.

4. Was there a specific inspiration behind your app? Perhaps a terribly dressed intern on the metro or even a personal experience?

HuffPost interns are generally a pretty well dressed crew, no cut-off “jorts” here unless you wear them ironically/with Toms. I did once try to wear sneakers to the Press Club only to get shut down by Sam Stein.

5.    Where is your favorite DC intern hangout or happy hour?

Hmm this is a tough one. I’d get yelled at if I didn’t mention HuffPost Politics’ in-depth Tune Inn fire coverage a few weeks ago, but given that’s off the table, I’d have to say The Tombs in Georgetown.

 Alex with his new FamousDC t-shirt
Chatting it up with happy hour crashers Salahi and the Australian bloke in a shorts suit. Clearly Becker’s app doesn’t just apply to interns.