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Politico begs the question: Why so few women in infidelity club?

When South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford admitted to an extramarital affair on Wednesday, he presented an all-too-familiar tableau: the pained expressions, contrite words and teary gaze of a male politician confessing sexual indiscretion. Coming close on the heels of a similar admission from Sen. John Ensign (R-Nev.), it is clear that sex scandals will always be with us.

But after two of the same dramas within two weeks, it’s fair to ask: Does the casting ever change? Are female politicians really that much more faithful — or are they just not getting caught?

For more on "Sex Scandals" of the last decade, try this on for size.

And stay tuned next week when Politico asks the question:  Why do so many politicans part their hair to the left?