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If you had to go to work on the Hill today, here’s what you did while waiting for the day to end.

1. Debated the panda cam vs the puppy cam.

2.  Creepy-stalked friends’ children.

3. Went through email inbox deleting every Politico/Roll Call/The Hill email and unsubscribing from random newsletters who called the office asking “What’s the email address for the staffer who handles X?”.

4. Learned that there is a show called “Friday Night Tykes”….and it is as real as it is disturbing.

5. Took a few personality quizzes. Turns out I am r2D2 AND Harry Potter.

6. Listened to coworkers from Chicago and other cities with “real snow” complain about DC’s inability to deal with snow.

7. “Unliked” a lot of Facebook pages friends made me like along the way.

8. Took a few laps around the hallway chatting with other staffers, counting and cursing the offices with unclaimed newspapers piling up because they got a snow day.

9. Called the switchboard and asked for random offices just to see if they were open.

10. Didn’t eat lunch because the cafeteria wasn’t open.

11. Finally learned the intern-who-started-3-weeks-ago’s name.

12. Made a to do list. Checked nothing off said to do list.

….and that was my day #4real.