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Roll Call’s Heard on the Hill duo recently answered some questions for FishbowlDC. Funny stuff.

If you were a combined carbonated beverage, which would you be?

WR: Scotch and soda.
NS: Champagne in a can.

How often do you Google yourself?

WR: Every few (Hold, please) … (Okay, back now) seconds.
NS: My Google alert does it for me.

What’s the worst thing you’ve ever said to an editor/boss (or vice versa)?

WR: I would perpetually badger one unabashedly aloof publisher about never, ever reading a single word that I had written (still convinced they never did).
NS: Well, I am pretty sure I told one boss when I was old enough to know better that she was the worst person I had ever met, but maybe I just wish I did.

Read the entire interview.