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Staying hydrated is very important, but during the dog days of Summer, it is even more so. While you might be tempted to grab for another beer or glass of Sangria, opt for these drinks instead.

Coconut Water is a wonderful source of potassium, magnesium, phosphorous, sodium and calcium. Otherwise know as electrolytes. However coconut water is all natural (what else did you expect?), no food dyes or HFCS (High Fructose Corn Syrup). Some beverages that are laden with the later are Gatorade and Powerade. You want to hydrate and replace the fluids you lost sweating- at the gym, running, not standing in line at THE cupcake shop.

Another one of my favorite ways to stay hydrated is to pop a Nuun tablet into some water and bingo, electrolytes + minerals + vitamins are in my system! Best of all, its sugar free. In a culture where everything is sugar laden, its refreshing (no pun intended) to drink something that is natural, free of dyes and sugar. Its great for running, cycling, or working out in the gym.

And I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but drinking coffee is not part of your daily water intake. If you drink cups of coffee, start replacing it with flavored water. And by flavored water I mean lemon juice, fresh mint, slices of green apple, some raspberries, or even peaches. Take  a pitcher, place water and your choice of fresh fruit, add some ice cubes and place in the fridge for a few hours or overnight. Start your day off right, drink water to get you going!

There is a myth that you need to guzzle Gatorade/Powerade anytime you sweat. Generally speaking you really only need to replace the electrolytes when you legitimately had a sweat fest. Running over an hour? Perfect for some coconut water, Nuun or even EmergnC. Your body needs vitamins, minerals, not genetically modified & fake ingredients.

Stay hydrated naturally. Don’t drink your calories. But get a sweatfest on 🙂

Wondering who explored the trails last week. Anyone?

Sarah Stanley is a sarcastic ultra marathoner who enjoys running, yoga and dreaming of visiting Australia. Follow her on Twitter @sarahstanley or visit www.sarahstanleyinspired.com