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The ad wizards at Old Spice have launched a brilliant new media campaign that combines twitter, YouTube, and…abs. The deodorized are invited to submit questions to the Old Spice Man, who will answer them in short–and brilliant–YouTube videos.

Example: In this clip, the Toweled One responds to some guy named George, who apparently used to work in Washington.

What does this have to do with Congressman Bowflex? Everything.

If the GOP new media machine is serious about beating the Democrats on the interwebs and internets, it’s time they got off their collective pasty rear end and start shining a light on the tanned and toned abs of the Gentleman from Illinois. Imagine how much more popular YouCut would be if Congressman Schock answered constituent questions Old Spice style.

And while Aaron “Sporty Outfit” Schock has gotten plenty of coverage for his six pack, we don’t think he’s truly taken advantage of what is (we hope) his biggest asset…but we’re pretty sure this is his chance to make all that time at the gym pay off at the plate.

We know the Republican new media team is short-staffed and underfunded compared to their Democratic counterparts, so we took the liberty of getting them started with a little mock up.