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Does the name Chuck Purgason ring a bell?  He’s a Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate in Missouri.  Matter of fact, we recently did a post about Chuck and how he looked strikingly similar to that of Lloyd from “Dumb and Dumber”.

Well, we’re proud to announce that Chuck has a new look. [smart move]

Purgason has stopped wearing a hairpiece — publicly revealing his receding hairline for the first time in nearly two decades.

Purgason, who celebrated his 50th birthday last month, said he and his wife decided it was time for him to look “more mature and middle-aged.” He said the change was not intended as a makeover for his Senate campaign.

This also happens to be the biggest news to come out of Purgason’s campaign since he switched from ballpoint pens to pencils with erasers.

Note: Not that we’re going to take credit for this, but in case you were wondering, our new tag-line is, “FamousDC – influencing hairstyles in Southeast Missouri since 2010.”

h/t Lazy Hazy