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There’s a new book on shelves that’s all the rage.  No, not this one – this one.

It’s called “Game Change,” not to be confused with Patrick Gavin’s “Game Changer.”

It’s a love story about low-level Washington aides who finally get a chance to poop on their old bosses.

According to multiple sources [none of which are even close to identified] Washington is full of narcissistic, shallow, a-holes. We had no idea.

The staffers who offered up dirt did so on the basis that they were talking on “deep background,” not to be confused with just plain “background” and not as suspicious as “super-secret double background w/ a twist.”

The two authors write this in their book:

“All of our interviews — from those with junior staffers to those with the candidates themselves — were conducted on a ‘deep background’ basis, which means we agreed not to identify the subjects as sources in any way.”

Now you know.  And knowing is one fourth of the battle in DC.

h/t Sullivan