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Speaking of legislation that makes us itch, Rep. Deborah L. Halvorson (D-Fragers) just sent out this letter to her colleagues on Capitol Hill. [clever]

Earlier today, President Obama proclaimed “Insulation is sexy stuff ” while speaking at a Home Depot on retrofitting buildings in order to bring Americans back to work while saving money and being energy efficient. I wholeheartedly agree…Insulation is sexy, which is why I sponsored, H.R. 4296, the Mechanical Insulation Installation Incentive Act (MIA).

With this Dear Colleague, Rep. Halvorson attempts to make the unsexy subject of building insulation sexy again.  Unfortunately, she then proceeds to use remarkably unsexy things like "numbers" and "figures" or terms like "Mechanical Insulation Installation Incentive Act".  However, such verbiage might just help the CRS analyst hoping to spice things up in the bedroom.  To each his or her own.

We think particle board is sexy, insulation comes in a close second.

**We started "Please Release Me " to point out zany press releases that show up in our tipster malbox .