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It must be fall because Adam Sharp broke out the tweed, Chris Cillizza changed his Jim Zorn forecast to cloudy, Markos Moulitsas lectured on being patriotic, Ken Spain and Emily Kryder are getting their bipartisan marriage on this weekend,  Kathie Legg apparently doesn’t like Novocaine, Jessica Boulanger was pleased to see that Khloe Kardashian was checking out her maternity wear, the WaPo worked up yetanother Tom DeLay conspiracy theory, the Chicago Sun Times lives on, Patrick Ruffini, Jeff Emanuel and Jake Tapper announced the birth of their babies via Twitter, Larry Farnsworth had the longest work week in the history of work weeks, Twitter has become an outlet for #metro rage, Michael Turk might be soon be $10.5 M richer, John legend sang on w hotel roof over white house,Stephanie Green rocked some fur to the Meridian Ball, old man Schieffer beat Steph and Gregory in age demo ratings, Chip Griffin got a new gig as Chief Digital Officer at DCI Group, Susanna Quinn shared her secret to perfect bod: air for lunch and breakfast and a sensible shake for dinner, and our hearts are heavy for PG and RG.