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First of all, what the hell happened to Macy Gray?  Given her natural ability and grace, there is no way she already got voted off.  We’ll just assume she was so good, she got an automatic pass to the finals.

As for Tango Tom, he did not disappoint.

ABC, who has built their entire show around the Hammer, again milked the DeLay story line last night.  It wasn’t until three quarters of the way through the show until viewers found out whether DeLay, who has two broken feet, would dance.

With producers and his doctor telling him to sit it out, DeLay shrugged off the pain and stated, "what’s a little pain when you can party."

DeLay and his partner Cheryl Burke then took to the dance floor and performed a bipartisan Samba to "Why Can’t We Be Friends?" – with Democratic and Republican themed costumes.

Following his performance, DeLay received a lengthy standing ovation.

It seems as if the former political lightning rod has earned a few more fans.

And Twitterland agrees:

@ceoaks: I’m not a Republican, but I have mad respect for Tom Delay.
@buckhollywood For a crazy conservative dude, Tom DeLay has balls. TWO stress fractured feet? Was that him or Oxycontin …
@dizneluver: TOM DELAY ROCKS!!! Dancing on stress fractures in both feet!!!!! GO TOM!!! 😀
@KellyKellyL: Damn it, Tom Delay has totally charmed me into forgetting that I hate him.
@melissa_crocker @tomdelay seems like such a nice, down-to-earth man.. I have become a big fan of his!
@grammatea4u now if only washington would listen ‘Why Can’t We Be Friends" ..so brilliantly put together..kudos for getting it done