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From Saturday’s Playbook :

JMART, CAB THIEF — Politico’s Daniel Libit reports: “So I ordered a cab to take me from office to airport. When I get outside, I see it’s about to pull away with another person, so I tap on the glass. And who is the taxi bandit? None other than Jonathan Martin, who — my cabbie would later tell me –claimed that his name was ‘Daniel.’ Impersonating a Libit is a federal offense. When I e-mailed JMart that he had flustered my cabbie, he replied, that’s ‘how I roll.’ Indeed. But I feel he should be called out publicly for this. People need to be warned. There’s a dude on the loose, in a checked button-down, jacking people’s "Red Tops.’ Just sayin’.”

It looks like it’s JoMa’s move. This should be fun.