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This might be the greatest website we’ve seen in quite awhile.

We all know people who take themselves too seriously on Twitter – we’ve even gone as far as describing these people as narcissistic.

You know who they are.  They’re the ones that think they work harder than you – and then take time to tell you just how hard they work.  Although anyone committed to telling you how hard they work, likely isn’t working hard enough.

They’re the people who claim credit for things that would’ve happened regardless of whether or not they predicted it.  For example, you can’t predict a sunrise, and then pat tweet yourself on the back when it happens.  You’re not a twittering Nostradamus – so settle down.

As for the twits that overuse hashtags in order to gain followers – we’re on to you too.

If you’re dropping hashtags after announcing that you just warmed up left over pizza, you’re not a top conservative of anything except useless information.  [think before you tweet]

And let’s not forget about the people who love to brag about what they’re up to or the latest project they’re working on.  We’re all for a little self-promotion, but when it happens every other tweet, it’s really obnoxious.

In order to keep these people in check, a new website has been launched.  [tweeting too hard]

We’re already working to promote Facebook status abusers – but in order to keep the Tweets in line, visit this site and submit all the people who abuse their Twitter accounts.  Your friend, colleagues and family are counting on you.

h/t Brad K.