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Stephen Replogle headed over to Wal-Mart, Fawn Johnson got a Drudge bomb with her federal aid for broadcasters story, Brian Walsh joined Twitter, TOTUS took a dive at the White House, Cathy Merrill Williams defended Katharine Weymouth on Facebook, Jim VandeHei returned from a two-week vaycay, Aaron Bernstein and Katie Strand celebrated birthdays, Obama bounced a pitch and then crushed the Nationals on national TV, PETA bikini girls doled out veggie dogs, Doug Jehl decided to ditch the NYT DC bureau for the WaPo, Kos is not impressed with the RNC’s web efforts,Barbara Boxer got into an awkward race discussion, Biden had a freshman BBQ, Barrett Karr swims at 5:30 a.m. every day, thanks for missing us Jeff Ostermayer, Breana Teubner wished DC farewell, Karen Finney doesn’t like Republican car salesmen … Oh, and tell Pepper Pennington happy birthday this Saturday and Ed Henry on Monday.