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In an attempt to make an already slow legislative process slower, nearly 550 retirees will travel to Capitol Hill today to lobby their representatives.  [add a minimum of five minutes to your evening commute.]

Retirees Lobby Congress on Health Care Reform

Nearly 550 retirees, visiting Washington for the Alliance for Retired Americans Legislative Conference, will travel to Capitol Hill today to lobby their home state elected officials in advance of key votes on health care reform.

In their nearly 200 scheduled appointments, Alliance members will outline the retiree stake in this year’s health care debate.

Retirees unable to attend today’s conference include:
Dick Cheney
Ricky Henderson
Norm Coleman

*Brett Favre is questionable and Manny Acta still doesn’t know if he’s eligible.

Have you ever read a press release and thought, “was this actually approved by someone whose academic career went beyond elementary school?”

What about releases that went above and beyond the call of duty and actually grabbed your attention?

In the spirit of drawing well-deserved attention to press secretaries everywhere, we’ve begun to collect press release hits and misses.