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If you read our post last week about the $10 million remote controlled bird the government just purchased [via your tax dollars] and that thought that idea was a little much – we can do you one better.

According to Mary Katherine Ham, the remote controlled bird is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to ridiculous robotic creatures:

According to a Channel 2 report the spying robot , about two meters long and covered in army camouflage, mimics the movements and appearance of a real snake, slithering around through caves, tunnels, cracks and buildings, sending images and sound back to a soldier controlling the device through a laptop. The snake has a single camera on front end.

Forget the fact that the damn thing looks like a slinky with a camo sock wrapped around it – do people honestly expect to this thing to work?

Note: The report also mentioned other robot animals, including, a cat that can climb walls by using its claws, and a ‘dog-droid’ that responds to human movement.  Amazing.