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Whether it’s your office March Madness pool or a long weekend in a Vegas Sports Book, it’s always good to have the latest betting sheets: [Who loves energy?]

E&C Chairman Henry Waxman told Reuters he has the votes to pass this next week.

The Associated Press calls this package a "scale back " from Waxman’s original proposal.

Waxman is skipping the subcommittee process.  Instead, going straight to a mark-up in full committee for a vote on Monday.

Mark-up could take all day — maybe two.

Rick Boucher (swing vote from coal district) might not be on board. He said this is still a "work in progress ."

If it passes Committee, Waxman’s climate bill could be on the House floor by Wednesday.

Speaker Pelosi supported Waxman over Dingell and wants this climate package as bad as he does.

This major piece of energy legislation could pass the House before Members leave for Memorial Day.

Or could it?

Ranking Member Joe Barton says "we’re prepared for it to take weeks or months."