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Election Day is finally here.

For some folks in DC, it comes after months of hard work on the campaign trail. For others, it’s just another day. But whether you’re a government employee, campaign junkie, Hill staffer or journalist – starting tomorrow morning, the times, they are a changin.’

And that couldn’t be more true for some of DC’s finest political reporters.

Some reporters will be asked to leave, while others are shuffled around to “new projects.” Then there are the entrepreneurial journalists looking for their big break and some tired journalists who are sick of covering the same old beat. Will they stick around or try their hand at the circus?

Who will likely end up on Comedy Central roasting D-List celebrities?

Who’s likely to help Keith Olbermann pack his boxes at MSNBC, shortly before getting a show of their own?

Which reporter will change beats and try his hand at parenting?

Which reporter will end up completely out of journalism?

Check back Thursday morning for these answers and many more. If you liked the our FamousDC Media Ticket, you’ll love this.