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hotfile.jpgIt’s been a while since we checked in with our friend, the Hotfile – mainly because she’s been relatively absent when it comes to posting videos.  [although we do enjoy the new artwork in her studio.]

So when we did take a few moments to check in with Ms. Hotfile’s web log, we were surprised to find out that she’s not too impressed with recent Politico coverage.  Matter of fact, she thinks JoMa is smoking the good stuff.  Evidence here.

And while we’re not going to take sides in this smoke-filled debate, we would like to point out, regardless of how she feels about the “Race for the Whitehouse”, and whether or not she finds said reporting objectionable, she needs to do less writing, and more videos.

We also feel it’s high time she mention FamousDC on her fancy video channel.  It’s no MSNBC shout out, but it’s close enough.