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Gov. Sarah Palin announced last week that she is about seven months pregnant with her fifth child. Due date around Mayish according to our math.

The governor says she knows the sex of the child but has not told her other children yet. [Unclear as to why she can’t trust her 18 year old son, who recently joined the military.]

The VP short-lister also made it abundantly clear that this whole getting knocked up thing wouldn’t interrupt her day job [as Governor] – not one damn bit.

“Palin says she doesn’t expect the pregnancy to interfere with her work schedule. She says when she had Piper, her 6-year-old, while serving as Mayor of Wasilla the delivery was on a Monday and she was back to work on Tuesday.”

That kind of news doesn’t bode well for the expected baby, or Piper, who apparently has never had much quality time with mommy.