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Last night Vice President Biden appeared on the Daily Show to help clear up the Recovery.gov boondoggle.  On paper, the move was a brilliant idea.  Biden, who’s known more for his own gaffes than anything else, would feel right at home trying to clean up this hot mess.

Only problem:  He didn’t help the cause.

At 3:45 in the first clip , Biden states, "go to ‘redovery.com ‘… you can push on it…"

First off, it’s .gov, not .com and secondly, what are we supposed to "push on" exactly?

We will give him credit though – he cleaned up his performance shortly thereafter and was quite funny.

PS: For kicks, we did a Google search for "Redovery.com" and look what we got (below).  Either Google developers altered the search algorithm to account for his gaffe or the search engine is actually smarter than the veep.  Then again, we already knew that.