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The Famous DC team loves us some Uber. Our team uses Uber multiple times a day every day. Uber in the morning, Uber in the evenin’, Uber at suppertime!

Due to the fact that we fancy ourselves the ultimate DC Uber supporters, we feel entitled to rant about something: those damn air fresheners.

04wmt-articleLarge-v3Some Uber drivers have decided that it’s appropriate to replace the oxygen in their vehicles with “new car” or “pine forest” scented toxins. Those drivers would be surprised to learn that we recently conducted a scientific survey (we polled 10 people) in which we found that 90% of Uber vehicles (from Black to UberX) contained at least one nauseating air freshening device. In one field survey of an Uber SUV, we found EIGHT, yes EIGHT horrible, terrible, awful air fresheners. It was so bad our team had to exit the vehicle to catch our breath.

The idea of “air freshener” is a totally backwards and asinine concept to begin with. Air fresheners do the exact opposite of what their name implies. Those little pine trees hanging from a rearview mirror (or, god forbid, the scented cigarette lighter plugins) do nothing but destroy the air quality in a vehicle* and your lungs.1504048_733336716706616_1782393729_n

Here today, we are officially calling on the loyal Uber customers of the world to help us on our quest to ban air fresheners from all Uber vehicles. We understand most drivers are attempting to mask the cigarette smoke, but honestly, we’d prefer that to the awfulness that is an air freshener. The first 10 folks to tweet, “We love @Uber but please #banairfreshner!” and link to this post will receive some serious FDC love – which might include swag.

*That’s actually a fact