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Dating in Groups launched, ten people who are sad the NFL refs are back, No one likes the metro, lobbyist heads to reality  tv, banners get partisan, Teddy goes hard, Move over Erica Elliott, Caroline Rabbitt is the new Diet Coke authority on The Hill, Catherine Gatewood is an amazing friend, at least our Ryder Cup uniforms don’t suck this year, Dan Newhauser needs some new kicks (but not suede), congratulations to Don Seymour and his wife on the birth of their little girl, The refs are back! The refs are back! Jake Sherman rocks blue ties, Samuel L. Jackson yelled at everybody, Kelly Harmon didn’t accept our friend request, tell Emily Heil happy birthday, does Carl Hulse file stories from Charlie Palmer’s?, we already miss Justin LoFranco, Madonna & Dayspring only rock one name, ask Braden Wright about the “discount double check,” pollsters are so hot right now, Cloture Club made a drinking game for the debates, leadership lessons for Erica Elliott, Darren Grub turns another year older, Liz Mair loves to swear, David Popp celebrated his birthday this week, Greg Lemon, Jack Diamond  & Maria Jose Ovalle are following us on Twitter.