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The Nats hit home runs like Chris Cillizza live Tweets, Zac Moffat continues to crush it, half of the DC journos in Charlotte filed stories while listening to the Foo Fighters and James Taylor, Bill Clinton could be President of the UNIVERSE, RIP Art Modell and USC’s #1 ranking, the greatest video you’ll watch all week, check out Kona Kase, awesome game day food, , did you know there are really people in this world who go from back-to-back conventions straight into bachelor party weekends?, Judy Diaz is now on Facebook, Will Sarah Schladen Smart read this?, DC photography, David Popp’s name hasn’t been used in a while, Logan Stewart is a rock star, which break up video is better?, goodbye conventions, here’s where you can kick it this weekend and we’re moving the rest of this Round Up inside to a smaller venue because it might rain.