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On March 16, Marine Corporal Justin Kuhel began his 400-mile march to Arlington National Cemetery with a two-fold goal: raising awareness, and $10,000 for the Wounded Warrior Project. It’s been two weeks and Justin’s logged more than 200 miles, met some cows, and was somehow even ticketed by the Maryland police for not wearing a seatbelt. We’re sure there’s a story behind that.

Justin’s been covered by state and local media and has raised more than $7,000 towards his goal. He’s walking to Arlington to pay respects to fallen and wounded comrades, and he says on his Facebook page that “the walk is a symbol of the sacrifice other’s have made on our behalf and a humble attempt to show his gratitude.” Follow Justin on Twitter @March2Arlington and donate here.

And if you see a five foot ten former Marine marching towards Arlington National Cemetery – with a giant American flag protruding from his backpack – give the man a lift. We bet he’s pretty tired by now.

[Photo via The Columbus Dispatch]