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Mike Shields scared cancer, Ruffini ain’t impressed, Lazy Hazy hit the World Series, Dave Catanese is a talented young man, NMS launched a strong new website, data viz done right, Famous 5 Fall bars, Chris Paulitz likes cigar people, Twitter can apparently help you lose 50 pounds, Fantasy Football rant Week 6, looking for something to do tonight?, congrats to Anna Handzlik and Jordan Sekulow who are getting married tonight, J-Mart hit up a diner, Pho Sho this is the best license plate, tell Kim Hart Jonson happy birthday, Jackie & Jared are getting hitched this weekend, MK Ham has a message for ABC, Carolina Moonshine, Alissa and Adam love attention so click here, behind the scenes with Eric Cantor and it’s nearly go time on the next FamousDC Happy Hour.