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The New York Observer recently unveiled its 50 Media Power Bachelorettes list. Included on the list was our friend Tara Palmeri [congrats]

Tara Palmeri, Gossip Reporter – Page Six/New York Post

Scooped up by Page Six after a stint at the Washington Examiner’s Yeas and Nays column, Tara Palmeri has brought her D.C.-bred repertorial instincts to the city’s premiere gossip column, and has survived her rookie year both in the city and column alarmingly well. She moved here last summer after taking over the Post desk vacated by Neel Shah, and she even sublet his apartment for good measure. (She’s since moved out of the party den.) But beware, boys—Tara’s not afraid to use the same feminine wiles that have upset the likes of—among others (such is the life of a gossip)—Sean Penn, who kicked her out of an event once.

Also on the list was Lizzy O’Leary and Alyssa Rosenberg.

h/t FishbowlDC