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Facebook Awesomeness:

Just completed the quiz “How much do I care about your quiz results?” with the result “zero”.

Glad to know we’re not the only ones who don’t give a shat about "which Hollywood D-lister would play us in a CBS made-for-TV movie?"

And for the record, we also don’t care for the quiz, "if you were a lettuce, what type would you be?"
Or "if you were a Greek God, what color loincloth would you wear?"
Or "what super power you would have, if in fact we lived in a world where super powers existed?"

We would however care about the following quizzes:

What Billy Ray Cyrus lyric best represents your broke-down career?
Which washed up former sports athlete best represents your outlook on life?  [hint: Ryan Leaf]
What are the top five baby names your parents should have contemplated calling you, had they not been hitting the bong when you were born?

Know someone who repeatedly abuses their status updates?  Report them below.

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