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We hate to pile on after the whistle, but this is slightly outrageous:

With the audience "groaning" during her "rambling" speech at Michael Jackson’s memorial service, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee’s (D-TX) teleprompter reportedly flashed: "Please end your comments" ("Yeas & Nays").

And surprisingly, it gets worse. The Queen of the One Minute apparently makes a habit out of crashing funerals.

The Houston Chronicle reported in September 2008 that Jackson had staffers “cull the obituaries” to find funerals at which she then requested to speak.  [trolling for votes]

“One told friends of taking her to five funerals in one day, and of hating to have to ask the families if they would allow her to speak,” reporter Rick Casey wrote. “The request pleased some, he said, but angered others.”

Note to Jackson-Lee staff: Instead of culling through the newspaper, which will inevitably get black ink all over your fingers, just click here .

h/t Wake Up Call and Roll Call