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Last week Nancy Pelosi spent a majority of the week sweating out the Cap and Trade bill.  Even while her colleagues enjoyed a Hawaiian luau thanks to President Obama, she was gearing up for the Royal Rumble.  [some things never change]

Pelosi and her top lieutenants would spend the next four hours whipping, cajoling, begging and browbeating undecided Democrats — and triple-checking their whip lists to decide who was a solid “yes” and who was prevaricating on the cap-and-trade legislation.

Just how serious was Pelosi in regards to making sure she had enough votes…

At one point, she even promised to escort one member out to the airport in her motorcade to catch an early flight — as House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) stalled the proceedings with an hourlong reading from the 300-page manager’s amendment.  [yellow cab]

Some Democrats didn’t play nice though:

Leadership aides say Texas Rep. Ciro Rodriguez promised Pelosi he’d vote yes, but voted no and sprinted from the chamber. California Rep. Xavier Becerra tried unsuccessfully to flag him on his cell phone — and Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) bounded into the ornate Speaker’s Lobby off the floor shouting, “Rodriguez! Rodriguez!” as puzzled reporters looked on.

And in case this whole Congress doesn’t work out for some lawmakers, there’s always bouncing:

Washington Rep. Jay Inslee, one of the taller members of the House, guarded the doors on the floor leading out to the Speaker’s Lobby, warning members not to leave the floor in case anyone needed to switch his or her vote.

Question: Will the Senate stay awake long enough to make this even more interesting?