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If you work on Capitol Hill and have ever crossed the intersection of First and C St., you’ve likely had some sort of encounter with Officer Garland "Jaywalking" Thompson.

Thompson, a 30 year veteran of the Capitol Hill police force best known for his whistle and absent sense of humor, is retiring on Tuesday. Thompson is also the only active member of the Capitol Hill Police Department who has managed to hand out more tickets than the DC Examiner guy hands out newspapers at Cap South.  [wait for the light, ma’am]

Those who know Thompson won’t be surprised. The 57-year old Capitol Police officer is known for his tenacious enforcement of traffic laws near the Capitol South Metro station, where he has spent more than 30 years scolding jaywalkers and issuing parking tickets.

He will retire on Tuesday, leaving behind a legacy of — depending on who you ask — admirable morals or overzealous policing.

If all hell breaks loose beginning Wednesday, we’ll know why…

FamousDC wishes Officer Thompson the best of luck.  The corner of First and C St. will never quite be the same.