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We stumbled upon this list via SciWonk and figured in the spirit of this weeks shenanigans on Capitol Hill, it was worth sharing.

Advice for Lobbyists:

1. Do NOT touch your Blackberry when you are meeting with me.

2. Don’t schedule a meeting with me without confirming.

3. Don’t openly break the rules.

4. Don’t go around me to my superior.

5. Don’t try bribery.

6. Don’t flaunt your money.

7. Do keep the meeting less than 20 minutes.

8. Do bring 3 people or fewer.

9. Don’t flirt during the meeting OR afterwards.

10. Don’t lie to the scheduler.

Left of the list:

Don’t creepily invite anyone from the office to ride on your boat.

Don’t tell us about the good ole days when you used to work on Capitol Hill.  [it’s not 1987 anymore]

And for the love of God, do not wear a seersucker suit.