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Fro-yo machine in Longworth still not working?

Quality intern you met at McFadden’s last night yet to accept your Facebook friend request?

Economy got you down?

For all of you self-described “poor Capitol Hill staffers” who struggle to make ends meet, do we have a treat for you.

Crystal Light is offering free water at Union Station as part of its Water Way Challenge.

In addition to helping people make a change for themselves, Crystal Light is supporting Global Water Challenge, a coalition that helps provide access to safe drinking water. [translation: not from Mexico]

We understand the thought of free water isn’t terribly sexy, but for those of you who claim you can’t afford anything but Ramen noodles [yet find money to drink 6 nights a week] this should be right up your wheelhouse.

Note: There are several liquor stores [according to Google maps] within walking distance of Union Station. Add vodka to your water and it might make your walk home in the rain [because you can’t afford a cab] that much better.

*PS: If you’re lucky they might even offer you a ride home in one of their Crystal Light cars.

Free water giveaway ends at 6:30pm.