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**The below rant was submitted by a Capitol Hill Support staffer.

Capitol Hill Staffers,

We understand that you are more important than everyone else, your family included, but your lack of respect for Capitol Hill support staff is growing old.

While it’s true that a comfy desk chair is key to your boss’s success, and while we understand that that you can’t do your job without the proper filing cabinet, sometimes these things take time in order to process.

As for other requests you phone in and then follow up on 3 minutes later, just so we’re clear, that approach doesn’t work. Nobody cares who you work for, nor do we care that you’re in the majority.

What we do care about. Respect. And tips.

If you’re reading this, you know exactly what we speak of. Now do us all a favor – step back and shut up. It’s a lonely world once you leave this congressional bubble you currently find yourself in. If you don’t believe us, ask former majority staffers now working at the Gap.

Yours truly,
Support Staff