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Golf clap for our friends at Holy Taco.   [piss your pants funny]

Oh, You Have 70 Thousand Twitter Followers? Congratulations, Sh*tbag

Yesterday we were at a party, and towards the end of the night we went outside to the patio of the bar. Suddenly, a woman came up to us and pointed at some dude sitting down next to her and said, “Have you met (can’t remember name because I was drunk), he has 70,000 twitter followers.” Then I look at the dude and he was like, “Yep. 70k, man.” We started laughing, of course, because we were thinking, “No one thinks having twitter followers is cool, so he’s clearly being self deprecating,” but he wasn’t. He was being completely serious.
Then Twitter Guy solidified his place in the history books of Douchebaggery when he said, “People have called me one of the new leading faces of conservatism .”

This twitter dude has been completely transformed by the fact that a large number of people have subscribed to his twitter feed. And here, my friends, is the problem with Twitter: Everyone wants to believe that everyone else thinks they’re important, because everyone, at their core, is a narcissist. And how better to give yourself an inflated sense of importance, than to think that there are groups of people who are reading a 140 word post you’ve written that says, “Going to the store to look for cereal. Hope they have Chex!”

If someone is interested in that, well, holy f*&k, you must be god damned important/ awesome! But the fact is, nobody truly gives a shit about what you’re doing.

Read the whole thing here.

Any guesses as to who they’re talking about?  Some folks have a few