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Open letter to Claire Suddath RE; Your latest Time article

You are a genius.  Just when we thought we were the only ones who didn’t quite appreciate the social phenomenon that is Facebook, we read this.

Thank you.

Your recent article “25 Things I Didn’t Want to Know About You” should not only be printed and hung in the Smithsonian, it should automatically appear every time someone logs into Facebook.

The FamousDC editors are very pleased that we aren’t the only ones who don’t care that “Carrie used to be an epileptic, but recently found God,” or that “Jill has a secret crush on Robert Byrd.” – which is clearly inappropriate.

Here’s to hoping your hard work eventually pays off.

The FamousDC Editors

Trust us, it’s worth the read.

UPDATE: WaPo’s Dan Zak joins in on the fun.