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If you’re attempting to replace former Rep. Rahm Emanuel, doing nonsensical sh*t like this just might work.

Believe it or not, we think this ad is clever – but if there’s ever an underwater sequel, we hope Charlie Wheelan considers a few of our suggestions:

1. More underwater cursing.  You’re replacing Rahm, not Mother Teresa.
2. Some sort of shark attack.  Nothing terribly bloody.  Maybe just a limb or two – for dramatic purposes.
3. Outtakes.  Watching this dude nearly drown would make good TV.
4. Underwater sandwich eating.  Google it.  It’s awesome.
5. One word:  Mermaids
6. Lose the suit.  Next time wear only a cod piece and a high heels.

Did we miss something?  Let us know in the comments.

h/t Josh Kraushaar