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Our friends over at the FFX blog, have uncovered an interesting picture…


It seems as if members of Congress, who are too busy to work on energy legislation, have had enough time create themselves some useful new parking signs.  This gem was recently spotted on Capitol Hill.

FFX blog writes:

In an effort to “green” the Capitol, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi have now designated parking spots as “HYBRID ONLY”.

Word on the street says New Mexico Senator Jeff Bingaman is wicked happy – since he drives a Honda hybrid hatchback.

Does rewarding these environmentally friendly cars really make sense?

FFX brings up a good point:  Shouldn’t SUV owners be able to park closer, therefore preventing them from having to drive around longer looking for spots – which in turn would save the environment?

Although, for the Speaker, who’s so eager to save our planet- it’s more of a “do as I say, not as I do” approach.  She’s still rocking the SUV.