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The headline reads like it came straight off of the Onion – “A Typo Turns the Annual Stamp Into a Calling Card for a Phone-Sex Service.”

But believe it or not, it didn’t.  It came from the Star Tribune – and sadly, it’s true.

The federal government says it has no choice but to reluctantly keep distributing to millions of waterfowl hunters a toll-free phone-sex-service number that features a breathy woman promising callers that they can “talk only to the girls who turn you on” for $1.99 per minute.

About 3.5 million federal “duck stamps,” featuring artwork by a Plymouth artist, are affixed to a card that bears the misprinted number, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said Wednesday.

And as for the folks tasked with this tax payer slip up …

“The stamp is perfectly usable,” they say.

It sure is – and should be a top seller among ducking enthusiasts.