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As you read this post, hundreds of cameras are going off right now – each one attempting to capture that perfect (or not so perfect) moment.

While Obama, Clinton and McCain crisscross the country, so do the cameras.  While they draw record crowds, hundreds of eager photographers chase them around, each hoping that their picture shows up on the front pages.

And while most of these photos will never get further than the memory card they’re stored on- it’s that small handful that do surface- that deserve recognition.   

On campaigns, it’s the job of the advance teams to make sure that each candidate’s Kodak moments turn out well – but rarely is that feat pulled off.

No one can predict the unexplainable shots, nor can an advance team prevent the Bay Watch moments.

If a picture is truly worth a thousand words, then do we have a treat for you.

At the expense of each candidate’s advance team – we present to you…

The Photo-Op Awards
[Click on each envelope to reveal the winner]

Do you see a theme brewing here?  Apparently these posters travel very well in a suitcase.
This advance team wants you to know that their candidate is the “main” event.  Notice the perfect spacing between the candidate and the other lettering in their name.
There’s really no excuse for this.  Unless your volunteers are illiterate, it doesn’t take a mental giant to hold a sign properly.  *Note: Notice the advance guy who swoops in and fixes the situation.
Apparently this rally was held during work hours, and this lady didn’t realize that her face would be plastered all over CNN. 
This advance team is definitely not hooked on phonics, not even close.”
This is exactly what happens when you don’t have an advance team.  You have junior high moments like this.
This should have been called the WTF award.  Apparently this campaign wanted to give a shout out to their corporate sponsors.  *Note the Abercrombie shirts – they’re not hard to spot.
There is nothing wrong with a little campaign-trail reach around.  Fortunately for the advance team, this one isn’t their fault.  Not even the best advance team can prevent the occasional grab-ass that some grown men tend to play.