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We got the new iPhone 5s, what did you get?

Praying for the families of the victims who were taken from us this week in the Navy Yard tragedy; We wish Bret Baier’s son Paul the speediest recovery; We’re in the mood for some STK Steak; Get a SmartTrip Card for $2 now but you can’t cheat the system anymore; Are you going to sweat at Free Fest this weekend? Famously spotted at Washington Life’s VIP opening of El Cento: Ed Henry; Happy late Constitution Day; Attention, put your pistol down in Starbucks; Luke Russert and Jake Sherman have a Shake Shack date; GoTIME! Hires 11 New Reporters, Promotes 3 #jobs; A big thank you to Nancy Hiscock for all she’s done in upstate New York; Tom DeLay finds justice seven years later; Don Seymour met a billionaire this week, but has the billionaire ever hung a tree swing?; Katie Harbath bagged two caribou; Caleb Smith met Mark Zuckerberg; Chris Stirewalt is the man; tell Mercedes Marx Moira bagley and Maureen Shanahan happy birthday today; Nick Saban is not going to Texas; will LSU beat Auburn by 21?, don’t wear white after Labor Day; Andrew Ricci can’t see environmental issues for the earwax; Cedric Maupillier gets the Hungry Lobbyist treatment; Finch Fulton is leaving (congrats I guess); UMD hit the 17th branch on the ugly tree; Fall is here foreva eva, forevaevaeva; We libbed, madly this week; say happy birthday to Biskey’s cat; Matt Krimm gears up for next week; DC has good pizza; Mike Madden has babies on the brain; There she is; Washington, DC; Books out, clothes in; Georgette Spanjich turning one year wiser, while Morgan Gress turns one year older; Are you coming to FamousDC’s happy hour on Tuesday because everyone else is.

Roudup thanks to Nolongerfamous, SP & KC